Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Web tidbits

from News of the Weird. 1/29/06..

Least Competent Criminals Not Cut Out for a Life of Crime: (1) Three men who police say stole a car in San Jose, Calif., in October and drove it to Chico, Calif., were arrested in Chico when police caught them trying to break into that same car because they had locked the keys inside (or thought they had, since Chico Officer Jose Lara said he found the keys in one of the men's pockets, after all). (2) Adam Ruiz, 29, was arrested in Buffalo, N.Y., in January after he showed up at work as a trainee at the same Burger King he had allegedly robbed the week before (strengthening the conclusion that crime certainly does not pay if it pays less well than burger-flipping.) [Chico Enterprise-Record, 11-4-05] [The Buffalo News, 1-13-06]


From SI.com; dumb questions asked during Superbowl Media Week..

To Joe Montana, 49ers QB, Superbowl XXIII; "So why do they call you Boomer?" (ed. notes: Owch... )

To Joe Sala'vea, Titans DT, XXXIV: "What's your relationship with the football?" His response: "It's strictly platonic."

To Nate Newton, Cowboys G, XXX: "Have you noticed that the Steelers' logo is missing from one side of their helmets?"

To Emmitt Smith, Cowboys RB, XXVII: "What are you going to wear in the game Sunday?" (ed. note: DUH !!)

To John Elway, Broncos QB, XXXIII: "Are you going to listen to Stevie Wonder at halftime?" (site does not give his response... )

My Biweekly Update.

Well, I graduated with an A in the Intro to Film Studies. It was a very weird class, but I enjoyed it. Ended up with 2 people on the team, me & R.We each did 1/2 of 15 slide powerpoint and 2000 word report. He did the slide configs, I melded two reports. AND STILL GOT AN A !!!! MWAHahahahahaha...

I now have COMM 105; English Writing. The girl (grrl?) that teaches it is named Tenley Hardin; she moved here from Michigan to become a rock star (heh) and taught Yoga & Pilates for money to live on. She then decided to get her master's in English from Belmont and is hoping to get into a PhD program this summer. How's that for a career change?!?

Yep, this is her.
Anyway, I think it will be very interesting with her as a teacher. She is very erudite and technical in her sentence structure; doesn't like dialect much, but sees the necessity of it in certain works.
Darling Hubby is flying in from Dallas tonight; when I told Princess she squealed and demanded to be able to wait up so we could all go get him at 10:30 pm when his flight gets in. We'll see if she stays up that long; if she doesn't, I'll just roll her in a blanket & toss her in the car. Dudeboy will have no problem staying up that late; he usually does anyway even though he goes to bed at 9pm.
Well, off to surf, couple of posts ahead with stuff I saw on the web today.

I'm gonna be a snarky lil....

I am fully aware that only three people read this blog and two of them are men. So, here's a little something for you, guys.


My snarkiness concerns the fact that out of the top ten, only 3 have breasts of any consequence. Heh. Snicker. Try to deal with a Real Woman, why dont'cha? :)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Things that make ya go Hmmmmm....

Remember the kid from Florida who ran off to Iraq at Christmas, ostensibly for a journalism project ? Seems his daddy Dr Hassan was bankrolling his trip & knew all about it, plus daddy had been arrested in 1985 for making fake Iraqi passports n ID's... not only that but Farris' school does not have a journalism course like the one he described... scary stuff.


hat tip: Michelle Malkin

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Well, its 2 weeks later.

Sitting at computer, working on next week's assignments, listening to XMen 2 on TBS while debating whether i should try to eat something or just go to bed. Whilst I am debating, ponder these..

Q: Why do female black widow spiders kill their males after mating?
A: To stop the snoring before it starts.

Q: Why do little boys whine?
A: They are practicing to be men.

Q: How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail?
A: Rename the mail folder "Instruction Manuals"

An addition to my rules for customer service, previously published.
*** DO NOT EVER answer your friggin cell phone when you are on the phone with me. You called me for answers to questions; whoever is calling you can wait. I will hang up on you if you make me wait (or put me on hold) for more than a minute and a half.

Monday, January 02, 2006


My learning team is now down to three. We originally had five, but one of the people who is an Army captain at the 118th Airlift wing used to work at a TV station for the Army & knows all this stuff already, and another one found out from her academic advisor that this course will not advance her degree so she dropped it.

Oh well. I don't know if I will get to actually watch IBS.. may have to cheat a bit & go on filmsite.org, what I call Cliffs Notes for film viewers. Helped out a LOT with Casablanca, Citizen Kane, and Dr. Strangelove.

Speaking of Strangelove, WHAT A WEIRD MOVIE !!!!! I believe Mr. Kubrick's got a problem with sexual advances and what that actually means, based on his movie history. Eyes Wide Shut had basically the same sexual overtone but without the crazy Army general who thinks the Reds are contaminating our fluoridated water, therefore that's why he can't get a woody. Very weird.

p.s. I love three day weekends, but not the work that you have to do to make up for them.


I can't find a copy of 1956 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I get to go to Blockbuster after work. Yay.