My Biweekly Update.
Well, I graduated with an A in the Intro to Film Studies. It was a very weird class, but I enjoyed it. Ended up with 2 people on the team, me & R.We each did 1/2 of 15 slide powerpoint and 2000 word report. He did the slide configs, I melded two reports. AND STILL GOT AN A !!!! MWAHahahahahaha...
I now have COMM 105; English Writing. The girl (grrl?) that teaches it is named Tenley Hardin; she moved here from Michigan to become a rock star (heh) and taught Yoga & Pilates for money to live on. She then decided to get her master's in English from Belmont and is hoping to get into a PhD program this summer. How's that for a career change?!?
Yep, this is her.
I now have COMM 105; English Writing. The girl (grrl?) that teaches it is named Tenley Hardin; she moved here from Michigan to become a rock star (heh) and taught Yoga & Pilates for money to live on. She then decided to get her master's in English from Belmont and is hoping to get into a PhD program this summer. How's that for a career change?!?

Anyway, I think it will be very interesting with her as a teacher. She is very erudite and technical in her sentence structure; doesn't like dialect much, but sees the necessity of it in certain works.
Darling Hubby is flying in from Dallas tonight; when I told Princess she squealed and demanded to be able to wait up so we could all go get him at 10:30 pm when his flight gets in. We'll see if she stays up that long; if she doesn't, I'll just roll her in a blanket & toss her in the car. Dudeboy will have no problem staying up that late; he usually does anyway even though he goes to bed at 9pm.
Well, off to surf, couple of posts ahead with stuff I saw on the web today.
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