Saturday, December 10, 2005

Bebe... Update.

Sent the letter to Mom, she got it. No, she is not happy. However, she is showing a remarkable bit of adultness by declaiming that she can't do anything about it and therefore will not worry about it. I have already warned Sweet Stepdaughter about Mom's reaction to Longtime Boyfriend and Impending Motherhood, so SS is prepared. She will not be able to make it to my family's Christmas Eve stuff anyway because she, being on the lowest rung at her job, must work most holidays (gets off work at 3 Christmas Eve).

Bro's stuff is at noon Christmas Eve, at his lovely new home in the fancy schmantzy subdivisions south of here. He has lived there since August. I have not been there once. It's nearly Christmas. Glean what you will from that.

Christmas this year is really really stressful.. not sure why. Nothing really different from other years (except for school), but for some reason I have been bitching and snapping at everyone. Oh well, St Johns wort works wonders. I'll try some of that & if it doesn't work, then I'll go back to my doctor and get some more Zoloft.