Monday, December 26, 2005

It's. All. OVER !!!!! yay.

Merry Freakin' Christmas. I feel like Charlie Brown... AAUUUUUuuuugh...

Well, the annual get together at the lovely & talented Socialite Bro's house went well. He has a huge new house in an upscale suburb of Nashville; Inside C mentioned that each time he moves it's further and further out. It's less than 15mins away from my house but I can guarantee you I will not see SocBro again until August.

There was no mention of Sweet Stepdaughter nor of her impending motherhood. I kind of expected that. However, my momma was in rare form. I am convinced that she thinks I am still the black sheep and that I will go do something stupid here in about a month. Even after I have fought my way back from welfare, got Dudeboy on the right track for success, and am working on Princess, and I have basically got my life the way I want it with LARGE assistance (and permission!) from God; she still does not give me any credit for what I have done. Oh friggin well. She wants it that way, she's gonna get it that way.

However, my grandmother ! my sweet loving grandmother, who really doesn't approve of Stepdaughter's situation but won't say a word cause she knows I have no control over it, managed to stand next to me the whole time I was over there. Came over and talked to me about football, and how she thinks Brett Favre doesn't need to come back next year, & etc. I will miss her when she's gone.

Oh well. Got a couple of assignments done for school tonight; must watch Dr. Strangelove and Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) before next class on Jan 4. Also have to get started on Stand By Me for the 2000 word team paper due Jan 11, also Singin in the Rain and something else I can't remember. Pfft. Here we go on the roller coaster again.

Princess is with her dad in Crossville, and will be there til Jan 1, she wants to come to church that night (at which me & Loving Hubby looked at each other and smiled). Heh.

Good night, it's back to the rat race tomorrow. Wish I could figure out a way to win the lottery without buying a ticket.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Citizen Kane. Wow. Orson Welles was WAAAAAY ahead of his time. I actually liked this film.

Casablanca. Bogart & Bergman. Whatever. Got bored halfway through. Liked Peter Lorre though.

Nice filmsite I have found with essentially Cliffs Notes on the films, You pull up the website and put in the name of the film and it will pull up a synopsis of the film along with an almost word for word summary. Very nice, and has helped me a great deal. Have only had to see the films once to do the paragraphs I must turn in on Thursday.

11pm. 1/2 way thru Citizen. Pfft.

Just to get you into the holiday spirit.


Saturday, December 10, 2005

Bebe... Update.

Sent the letter to Mom, she got it. No, she is not happy. However, she is showing a remarkable bit of adultness by declaiming that she can't do anything about it and therefore will not worry about it. I have already warned Sweet Stepdaughter about Mom's reaction to Longtime Boyfriend and Impending Motherhood, so SS is prepared. She will not be able to make it to my family's Christmas Eve stuff anyway because she, being on the lowest rung at her job, must work most holidays (gets off work at 3 Christmas Eve).

Bro's stuff is at noon Christmas Eve, at his lovely new home in the fancy schmantzy subdivisions south of here. He has lived there since August. I have not been there once. It's nearly Christmas. Glean what you will from that.

Christmas this year is really really stressful.. not sure why. Nothing really different from other years (except for school), but for some reason I have been bitching and snapping at everyone. Oh well, St Johns wort works wonders. I'll try some of that & if it doesn't work, then I'll go back to my doctor and get some more Zoloft.

You're a Mean One....

Mr. Grinch.... heh.

Darling Hubby told me I had not posted on here for some time, so I got on & looked. Damn. I haven't.

Well, here's what's up in my world.
School is running well, got an A for my first course. Figure that will change dramatically with this class, so I am unable to gloat over Inside Chris... Introduction to Film Arts, HUM150. Taught by this guy.. (Rob Wilds, can't find any pictures of him, dangit) who has also appeared in several local commercials (most notably the furniture outlet store in Murfreesboro), as well as several cable movies and theatrical releases. So he knows what he's talking about. I get to watch "Casablanca" and "Citizen Kane" this week, as many times as I can, before Thursday night and write a 40-50 word paragraph answering questions on a worksheet for each one. Object of the lesson is to review the movie objectively. And I get to do this in my expanse of spare time. Yay.

A birthday for Princess (or Drama Queen, as she will shortly be known; thinking she's starting the PMS thing but praying she's not).. we get to go to Demos' Steakhouse on 2nd Ave. Good food. I get a steak. Yum.

Meanwhile, the Nashville Gas Christmas Parade is going in the background, Metro Channel 3. Two of the most banal idiots I have ever heard are on the tube. Fixin to turn it off because they are so dumb.

Anyway, time for me to run the dishwasher & go put oil in my car, I'm going to put lights on the bushes out front of my house too. WooHoo.
