Monday, May 15, 2006

I heart Comcast. Not.

Think this is the longest I have gone without blogging here.. some of the time Comcast was down, which was a total pain in the ass. Turns out that some of the amateur cable wiring I did back in the winter to wire the garage for cable was part of the problem; also the "cheesy" Gold splitter from Radio Shack. Comcast guy took one look; after he controlled his explosive laughter, he then proceeded to explain that the cheap splitters are basically chicken wire/gold duct tape/spit whereas the Comcast splitters have actual wiring in them and are much better.

Whatever. As long as my Internet works for school, I do not care.

And oh yeah, our TV tuner is going out; it is transferring electricity back into the cable wire which makes for pretty wavy lines on some channels, ghost pictures on others, and bad snow on yet others. Crap. Oh well, it was a $200 special from Circuit City anyway. Not meant to last forever, and obviously won't.

Back to school chat, 1400 word paper due for team on week 5. also 1400 word individual paper due week 4. Yay.